This is Dad, the world's sweetest handyman!
10. He makes people smile at his job. He taught me all about great customer service during the two summers that I worked with him.
9. He loves bowling so much that it seems like a cool thing to do. Even though he's really good at it he doesn't laugh (too hard) at my sucky bowling skills.
8. Who needs Blockbuster when you've got DadFlix? Late fees - he accepts hugs as payment. (He has all 7 seasons of Star Trek:The Next Generation and all the TNG movies - YAY!)
7. He lends me tools and teaches me how to use them.
6. He does the cutest dance ever when he's excited.
5. Hanging out with me causes him to do that dance. :)
4. He turned the closet in my study into a swell bookcase using discarded shelves the I rescued from the main library on campus where I work.
3. After decades of chain smoking he gave it up cold turkey about 13 years ago.
2. He's my biggest fan. (The feeling is mutual.)
1. It's his birthday today! Happy Birthday, Daddy Rabbit.
This is the cutest birthday present! Your dad is lucky to have such a cool daughter and those shelves look totally rockin! Way to go, MKA's dad! Happy Birthday!
And when do I get to bowl with him again?
love SBD
I hope that he'll like it. Since he doesn't do the compter thing I've made a hard copy for him.
As for bowling we'll have to arrange a Saturday something - that's his only day off.