Undergraduate Dramatics or Organizing Journals

I'm working on an organizational project this afternoon - arranging my journals chronologically. Yes, I am fully aware of my nerdiness level. This is turning out to be an interesting exercise. There are 27 volumes in various sizes. I began recording my life in 1981. It was sporadic (there's nothing from high school - that's probably a blessing!) until 2006 when I discovered the value of morning pages. The tone runs from angsty, to heartbroken, to euphoric with stops for every emotion in between. What a histronic little thing I used to be! The college years were especially tumultous. (Ha!) Here's something from a piece of notebook paper crammed in the Laura Ashley looking book that covers summer 1990 - fall 1992. The page is entitled Work in Progress.

I need to get out
I want to scream
too much to do
no time to dream

Oh my!

Scribbled on the same page are Greshwin Prelude 2 (not sure what that was about) as well as the beginnings of a poem about my best friend giving a piano recital. That one is too embarrassing to share. Sorry!

Now, 28 years after I began this personal record, journaling has become a daily ritual for me. I show up, first thing every morning, with an extra fine black ink roller ball pen in hand and scribble for at least three pages - no excuses. It's a wonderful centering activity and on good days, gets the creative juices flowing!

If you're interested in journaling as a way to tap into your creativity I highly recommend reading some Julia Cameron, especially The Artst's Way.

I'm going to go relive my past a little more. It's amusing.
