Sarah's Birthday!!! Hip hip hurray!!!

Sarah's the one in the middle!

(This photo is of the trio who tried to break my wedding singer curse. And yes that is a bridesmaid's ensemble that I am wearing. Lisa, we miss you like crazy, girl!! )

To celebrate your birthday

we went to see some Monet.
What a cool adventure!
We kept our composure (mostly)
and our sleepiness at bay.

photography credit to VanderVeen Photographers


Anonymous said…
SARAH and MKA's Excellent Adventure!

What a gas and perfect prep for the exciting Jazz film/discussion on Sunday. Thanks so much, honey!

See you soon! Have you heard your narrator yet? Tee hee!


mka said…
Hey birthday girl!

Emma Thompson's voice)

mka spent the day in her Tinkerbelle pajamas not because she was depressed or sad but because she could. And this among other things like reading Mary Oliver (amazing!) poems for the first time, made her quite blissful. She contemplated her life and was pleased.

And the phone rang a third time.
Darth Larry said…
good grief, i can't imagine the two of you at the art gallery at 2:30 in the morning! did you guys get thrown out?! hahaha. did you like it?
mka said…
Hi DL,

We were very well behaved (well except for when we were trying to do a crossword puzzle in the coffee shop - we kept cracking ourselves up. I told Sarah that the answer for "wise one" was yoda but she needed 6 letters so I said Yodass means 3 or more yodas...) The exhibit itself was so full of people and there were security folks everywhere. I'm sure if we'd breathed funny in the general direction of one of the Monets we would have gotten thrown out. I really wanted to touch the paintings - the textures are so cool - but I restrained myself. It was great fun!

Thanks for asking!
Darth Larry said…
that's so weird, cos dr. harley was doing a crossword puzzle this weekend (the same one?) and the clue was :Teacher of the Force. now, apparently, he has seen none of the Star Wars movies, a fact which horrified me to no end, so he struggled with the answer for a while. he did think of me though. he finally got it (Yoda) cos of one of the other clues gave away the Y. *sigh*
mka said…

We gotta give Dr. H a break 'cause he's one cool dude. However, maybe you should have a Star Wars party at chez DL and force (tee-hee) him to come. Making him the guest of honor might work...

:) mka
Darth Larry said…
but we'd have to tell him it was for a different reason. i seriously don't think he would come if he knew he was going to watch SW.

so, i think that will be my new goal, after tyson and i get him to the golden corral. that's our number 1 priority.
mka said…
I approve except for the Golden Corral part. Golden Corral is icky!
Darth Larry said…
yeah, it is, but it would be totally worth it to see Harley there. do you think he even knows what a sneeze-guard is?...
mka said…

He's gotta know, right? Maybe not...

hmmm, mka
Lisa said…
Whoa, I'm on a blog! I've finally arrived ;) Miss you guys too, very very much.
mka said…

Welcome to my blog, babe! I think a visit is in order this summer. My state or yours?

What was the name of that piece you arranged for us to sing? I'm trying to recall it and my brain is working overtime. Something about flying... We sounded pretty angelic (if only!) from that church balcony, I must admit.

Lisa said…
We sail
And we sail together
The name of our ship
Is the New Beginning,
And our sails
Are a hopeful color,
Filled with the wind of changing time.

We sail,
And the sea around us
It wanes and it swells
Like a great heart beating.
All the storms
Of the night are passing.
How can we sink, when we can fly?
mka said…
Thank you, thank you L. What a lovely piece! (and it was making me a teeny bit nuts the other day that I couldn't come up with it.)