I created my first vision board (I didn't realize that was what I was doing at the time) on Labor Day. Here's what I wrote on the back of it.
9/4/2006 - Labor Day
This week I've been dealing with letting myself let go of a graduate class that I was attempting. I've been struggling with the differences between letting go and being a quitter. I am again coming to terms with the fact that I am not a go-go-go person. I move slowly. I contemplate. I create. Today I turned to the first affirmation in a Louise Hay book and it reminded me of all this. I started with the quote and created this collage.
Began with quote from Louise Hay's Meditations to Heal Your Life. Paper came next based on colors from the quote. Greeting cards I'd received for my last birthday and Christmas provided words and glittery pictures. Then I turned to the January 2005 issue of Shambhala Sun from which I wrote down words and phrases that jumped out at me and I photocopied 2 images. (Note: the librarian in me won't let me rip up magazines or books so I copy things instead.) I also used the September/October issue of Utne for words and phrases. Lastly, I used glitter pens, gel pens, and colored pencils to add the words and phrases. The butterfly is from a set of stickers I purchased on an Adventure Day to Mabry Mill, Va with my parents during the summer. The flower and dragonfly are from junk mail.
The collage was too large for the scanner so I'm including this photo as well.
The words and phrases on the collage are: inner peace, being truly present, center, nature, natural, authentic, music, time, the scenic route, buddhism and more, all we need is love, books, writer, helper, talk, share, laugh, moonlight, listening deeply for peace, friend, celebrate, on the path to enlightenment, love, daughter, namaste, sun, I am safe, green, balance, civility, good life, and spirit.
It was created by Ryan Higgins to help others visualize and manifest the life of their dreams. See a video and find out why here http://www.squidoo.com/vision-board-software
A Mind Movie allows you to create a vision of what you want, together with your Favorite song… the one that makes you feel good, the one that makes you want to dance, the one that makes you smile and sing along.
It’s like a 3 minute slide show/movie of your perfect life.
I’m trying it out now.
I’m having fun making my own vision board/mind movie.
And because it’s a software, no need to cut up magazines!