There's a butt on my blog - oh my!!!

My pal and fellow blogger, Darth Larry, recently returned from a trip to Italy where he and his lovely wife wowed Florence with their musical prowess. He on cello and the missus on piano - they are quite the duo. So today DL was in the library - mka, he says, I brought you a present from Italy! I saw it and instantly thought of you and knew that I had to buy it and bring it back. With a big smile on his face and after much rummaging around in his bag he proudly presented me with this postcard of Michelangelo's David's boodie! I began laughing and thanking him profusely for David's butt. I mean, it's a gift from Italy, ya know and David is an amazing piece of art and it is funny that his ass is on a postcard. I can appreciate all that. (I'm not going to share with you what part of David Sarah got a picture of, naughty, naughty. You'll have to ask her if you're interested.) The thing I'm wondering about is what is it about me that caused DL to see a butt and think of me? Just what image am I projecting, I ask 'ya? :) Here's what I've decided - I am very touched that Mr. World-Renowned Cellist thought of me while he was away and I'm happy to have his lovely gift. I'm going to put it on the wall in my bathroom and see if anyone notices. My family's reaction may prove to be interesting. Mom, it's art, I swear!


Anonymous said…
funny that you would post this on a full moon!
mka said…
Tee-hee, I hadn't made that connection. Who are you?
Anonymous said…
that was me, silly--Ruth
mka said…
Hello my friend, Ruth! Thanks for the comment. :)
love, silly
Anonymous said…
that is way-assed too funny. barb
mka said…
Oh Barb, I'm glad that you too found this amusing. It's still cracking me up!
mka said…
For you UNCG SOMers out there -- Sarah asked me to let you know that it's a-okay with her if you come by and see her David postcard. It's on the wall of her office. Be prepared to burst out laughing and enjoy Sarah's snort!
mka said…
I just wanted to report that Mom noticed David's boodie yesterday and thought it was funny. Yay Mom!
LisaJay said…
We had a life-sized poster of David on our dorm room door when I was in college. However, the poster being from the front, I never had a chance to admire the butt!

Thanks for sharing :D

mka said…

David tells me that he is pleased to be admired by you now and during your college days. :)
