I'm happy to report that the grandparent Christmas gifts were a minor hit. hop, hop, hop... :)
The major hits were Mom gifts. She felt awfully special when she read Christine Kane's inscription on Right Outta Nowhere. (Is this the one with the dog song? she asked.) Her favorite was a recording of an interview I did with Grandma in fall 1990 for a college course project. I've had it on cassette all these years and the wonderful Braxton transferred it to cd for me. I added a picture of the three of us with big smiles (really unflattering of me - I was going through my flower-print dress phase - not good!) as cover art and titled it Three Happy Gems. Someday I'll close the blinds, lock the door and listen to it myself. It will be amazing to hear Mary Agnes's voice again!
The major hits were Mom gifts. She felt awfully special when she read Christine Kane's inscription on Right Outta Nowhere. (Is this the one with the dog song? she asked.) Her favorite was a recording of an interview I did with Grandma in fall 1990 for a college course project. I've had it on cassette all these years and the wonderful Braxton transferred it to cd for me. I added a picture of the three of us with big smiles (really unflattering of me - I was going through my flower-print dress phase - not good!) as cover art and titled it Three Happy Gems. Someday I'll close the blinds, lock the door and listen to it myself. It will be amazing to hear Mary Agnes's voice again!
Hope you all had/are having lovely holidays.