Some Words to Live By

I read Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements last year. I was thinking about it today. I decided to copy this from the inside front cover to post in my study so that I'd see it every morning while I'm doing my morning pages and starting my day. I highly recommend this book. It helped me to shift some of my thinking especially in the "don't take anything personally" department.

Have groovy days, all of you. Love, love, love...


Anonymous said…
hey mk, maybe I will read this after I get through ask and it will come. thanks barb
mka said…
Hiya Poet Barb,

Thanks for stopping by. I think The 4 Agreements is great. Let me know what you think if you decide to read it.

xo, mka
mka said…
So guess which book Ellen just talked about on her show today and gave a copy of to her audience? The Four Agreements! Way cool.