For Ali, who requested some silliness

E-bay Money Making Plan Foiled by Lip Goo Loving Whippet

Mayodan, NC MK Amos arrived home last weekend from a women's retreat in Marshall, NC with a grand scheme in mind. The retreat's leader,
Christine Kane, singer/songwriter and all around guru had borrowed
her Burt's Bees lip balm during the last event of the retreat.
Being that Christine is instantly adored by everyone she meets MK
was sure that the Burt's Bees that had touched Ms. Kane's lips would
go for tons of moolah on e-bay, a popular personal auction site,
and that all her monetary dreams would instantly come true. However,
the silly girl left this gold mine in the pocket of her jeans and
sadly she left those jeans on her bedroom floor. Annie, her 6 year
old whippet who loves all things lip gooey, sniffed the tube out,
removed it from her jeans, and destroyed it. MK was a bit deflated
when she discovered the bits of plastic and beeswax strewn about her
bed but she refuses to give up! MK told this reporter that the next
time she sees Christine Kane she plans to have pockets full of
Burt's Bees lip balm, just in case the great lady has another
chapping emergency.
