Newsy News

Today I have three tidbits for you.

First I'd like to report that my friend, Mark, who just last month moved back to NC after 10 years in NYC has already gotten himself an art exhibition. Check out his blog to see some of his paintings. I'm so pleased for him! Yay Mark!!! (Oh yeah, leave Mark or me a comment if you wanna go see the paintings up close.)

Also, I've got an update for my Barry Lopez post. This week I received the September issue of The Sun in my mailbox. (Yeah, I know that some of my retreat friends find this magazine depressing - I still like it.) In the Correspondence section there were several notes about the Barry Lopez article that set me on the path to reading more of his stuff. One woman admitted weeping like I did. I'm realizing more and more that my tribe is bigger than I ever imagined. Isn't that cool?!?

And lastly, those of you who know me well are aware of my goal of at least one blog posting per week. Last week I didn't reach that goal and it bothered me a lot. This writing thing has become very important to me it seems. Last week was one of overwhelm, a few days of shutdown, then angst-filled decision making. I figured out what needed to be done and I did it. The amazing thing is that my struggle has led me to a better place and inspired the always wonderful Christine Kane to write a blog entry. Isn't it beautiful when positive things come out of struggle? Also, I must admit - as I sit here in my stripey pj pants (thanks Mom!) and baggy shirt, taking a break from yard work - that I'm feeling a little bit like a star today.


Anonymous said…
And a star you R!!! As well as a writer (tee hee!).

love, Sarah
mka said…
Awww shucks, thanks SBD!